So this is day one (actually I’m writing this on the 2nd of April so yesterday was day one). Why day one? I’m glad you asked otherwise there wouldn’t be much of a blog post. Man we’re off to a smashing start, wasting three sentences and saying nothing about anything.

Day one marks the beginning of a two week sprint to try to get as much done as possible before I start a new job and have to push this back to hobby time. Yesterday was the last day at my last train wreck of a job, here’s to hoping the next one is better.

Today I finished off the four player tests that was pending. In doing so, uncovered some design issues re my dispatchers/actions which is part of Redux being somewhat coupled with my game logic. Then I fixed that and broke the area reducer which handles specifying what screen to render to the player. In fixing the area reducer, I found more bugs! There’s alot of spaghetti code which I’ve generated over the last few months of coding and the testing of the modules is helping me to clean these up.

I’m going to target react components and my collision/map/content code next. The biggest area will be the drag/drop logic. That section of code is fairly coupled and convoluted. Normally, I would have just left this part alone and moved on to other features. However, after the last few bouts of refactoring which caused many breaks and my resolve on improving code quality, I’m going to invest a bit more time/effort into testing and modularisation. Let’s see if it pays off.