Spent yesterday (this is morning of day three) putting in tests for most of the react components. Got a bit stuck on where to put business logic and how deep to go with unit testing. These are issues that I can ponder about for a loooong time. In fact the last few times that I got to these stages was when I stopped so I’m well aware of the potential dangers here. Unit testing is keeping me on track. By writing these tests beforehand, I’m constantly reminding myself to complete the small goals of satisfying these tests. In some ways, it’s tricking myself out of the perfectionist mindset. Whatever works…

I’ve got two components left and these are the chunkiest ones. They have to do with the shop inventory, containers and drag/drop logic. I knew when I put the drag/drop logic in that it was pretty bad, even for my standards but at that time, it was just getting it working. I’ve got some idea where I need to take this so if today, I can refactor this area, put in tests and basically complete the test suite for the existing code, I’d call it a win.

Nuf said, back to it!