
The history of my nickname goes back a looooong time and is another tale for another day, but I got really excited two days ago when I was given ownership of it again after a three year wait.

It went something like this:

Me: Hey support, looks like someone's taken the Mordrax usename on github but has been inactive since registering in 2013. I think that person might be me but I just forgot what email/password I used to sign up at the time. Can you deactive the account since it's not been active for a year anyway?

Github support: Sorry, we can't do that. (Paraphrasing)

Me: Hey, so two years ago, I asked for the Mordrax username and was rejected, can I have it now? (Since Mordrax hasn't used it for 3 years now)

Github support: Sure! Let me do it for you in FIVE SECONDS!

Mordrax: This is awesome >_<!

So now, I’ve upgraded from Mordra to Mordrax!!! And so the github repo is now on

Unit tests continues

So I’ve been busy writing tests for the react components. It’s not been a easy week but it’s been very enlightening and for the most of it, fun. Through this exercise, I’ve slimmed down the inputs to my components where possible and it’s really helped to solidify my understanding of my own functions!

I’m halfway through doing unit testing on my reducers and that’s been pretty awesome. With easter break coming up and then me quitting my current job, I’ve got a short break where I’m going to try to get all the testing done and get back to the game.